
Posted by Caroline Neill on 11th Aug 2021

Fear. It’s there in me currently, fear of not being able to achieve what I want to. I am about to start a new project of illustrating a children’s book I have written. I have written novels for adults but this is entirely different. Creating bright, colourful artwork that are simple and free of unnecessary detail whilst being engaging enough to entertain a young child and being consistent in style and character is out of my comfort zone but it is something I have always wanted to do which surely means I must do it!

The problem is, I am at the start, and just like the nerves that set in when I am faced with a blank canvas, I am now fighting with the thought that I am not good enough, that what I am about to produce will be inadequate. However, the practical side of my brain is also telling me that my fear is linked to pride. So I am telling myself; rid myself of pride, ignore the ego and start work!

I had originally given myself five weeks to complete this project, but I realise I am looking ahead at a much longer and harder slog than I had anticipated. This is going to be tough.

For inspiration, I looked up the average time most illustrators take to complete an image. The average was 1 or 2 hours per illustration. I take (when I am focused and distraction-free) at least a day!) so with forty illustrations to complete ( during the school holidays and the many distractions that will surround me!) I am expecting to see results after about 500 hours of work if all goes well!

I have also discovered that many artists and illustrators use a variety of tools other than their usual artist materials. There are various softwares that are highly recommended and are regarded as the essential digital aid in illustrating. So, armed only with paper and paints I am possibly already hindering my progress by not using any! However, if I think that way, I am creating a larger obstacle through doubt alone.

It will be interesting to take an objective perspective and think that in a few months time I may be satisfied with the results (or maybe not!) But, think positive and try anyway, that’s the motto I am going to repeat to myself in the next few weeks!